2022 Writing Plans

A few project areas that I would like to write about

2 min, 208 words

Categories: Personal

Tags: goals

Looking at the blogging plans I wrote down for 2021, I feel embarassed, and somewhat defeated. What I have learned is this:

  • keep working on the process. that basically means managing my energy levels by: sleeping earlier (less time reading news); eat light dinner; don't check work email/slack and dive into hobby projects first thing in the morning.
  • keep focus. Only do one thing well per year.

  • keep motivated. Find people to work with, and also to get some social pressure.

Here's what I wrote down for 2021 back in Oct 2020.

2021 Article List

  • Microcontroller. Preferrably related to TinyML.
  • Donkeycar. Preferrably using above microcontroller to navigate.
  • Web Analytics. Provide Google Analytics setup/analysis for non-profits.
  • Machine Learning. Anomaly detection areas.

My list for 2021 was too broad, and each area I dabbled in wasn't deep enough to write about. So for 2022, I would like to keep a narrow focus on 2 things: Rust and Google Ads.

2022 Focus: Rust and Google Ads

  • Q1: Google Ads GAQL CLI with Rust gRPC
  • Q2: Google Ads Dashboard with Rust Static Site Generator Zola
  • Q3: Google Ads Performance Anamoly Detection with Rust
  • Q4: Bonus article

With a concrete schedule set, lets see how I fare this year.